heart of a marketplace champion

To bring a powerful impact for the glory of God in your business and career calling requires that we learn how to operate in the fullness of the potential and the call that God has placed upon our lives. 

We engage with this great call to become skilled in not just our spiritual disciplines but also our natural giftings. In this mini stream, you will be coached on building powerful success strategies that will cause you to operate at the highest levels of your God-given capacity.

This course will suit men and women ready to take their lives to the next level of holistic success and manifestation.
Write your awesome label here.

Here is what we will cover in
this course

You are the bottleneck

Principles of Success

Mind Games

Rescritping the way you think

Principles of Motivational Dynamics

Confidence Principles 

Keys to growing in confidence

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming)

Big chunk and small chunk


Inspiration | Decision | Strategies



1. Goals
2. Reality
3. Options
4. Way forward

Actioning your Success Plan

Time Management

Negotiation Skills

What's included?

  • Three (15 min) Sessions delivered daily to your inbox
  • Course Videos & Notes
  • Prayer Support 

How is the Course delivered?

The course will be delivered daily, for four days, to your inbox for you to watch at a time convenient to you.

What support is provided?

At the end of each session, there is an opportunity for you to provide feedback, ask questions of the course facilitator.

There is also opportunity for you to submit prayer requests so that our team, can join with you, in prayer.



Frequently asked questions

WHAT does Virtual mean?

The course will be delivered to your inbox every week, for four weeks for you to watch at a time/place convenient for you!

Do i have to live on the central coast to do this course?

No. The course is facilitated virtually, ONLINE.  You can be located anywhere in the world!

When Does it start?

The Course starts as soon as you enrol!   Sessions 1-3 will be waiting in your inbox.

Who is this course aimed at?

The Course will suit men and women ready to take their lives to the next level of holistic success and manifestation.

Are there any assignments/assessments?

There are no particular assessments/assignments associated with the Course. We have a space at the end of each session for you to add some notes for reflection/application, but these are not ‘marked or graded’, it’s simply a space for you to think about how you might apply the sessions to your life/business or something that you learnt from the session/s.
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